English Garden vs French Garden in Hotlanta?
English Garden vs. French Garden in Atlanta I have a plan to become a billionaire. I will put a dollar in my bank account for every time I heard “can I have English style garden”. I will also deposit another garden for when I am asked for French gardens, Italian cypresses, and lavender. I cannot […]
Will Plants Recover From a Freeze?
Will Plants Recover from a Freeze? Plants after the rollercoaster winter: The good, the bad, the ugly. Rollercoaster winter? Yes, that is right! This past winter had it all weather wise. December started good and typical, but then temperatures decided to turn Atlanta into Alaska for a few days. We experienced frost biting temperatures not […]
Welcome to Designed Landscapes
Welcome to Designed Landscapes Blog! First things first. This is our first article for our blog. So welcome to Designed Landscapes and to our website dedicated to the beauty, functionality, and elegance of landscape design in Atlanta, USA. We aim to showcase our work as well as educate our readers on how to create stunning […]